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Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green

Product image 1Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green
Product image 2Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green
Product image 3Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green
Product image 4Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green
Product image 5Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green
Product image 6Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green
Product image 7Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green
Product image 8Liberaiders LR Nylon Utility Shorts Green

Regular price $290.00

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Nylon shorts with water-repellent salt-shrinking treatment.
With an elastic waist and belt, mesh pockets, D-rings, and a zip pocket to prevent valuables from falling out, these functional shorts are designed for both town use and outdoor activities. The
salt-shrinking process causes the fabric to shrink and become uneven, making the fabric very light and crisp, making these shorts comfortable and not stuffy even in the summer.
DESTINATION UNKNOWN is embroidered on the top of the mesh pocket.


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